Getting Started

Explore the AITAX.BOT API guide for managing wallets, tracking trending tokens, generating tax reports, and more. Tailored for developers' needs.

API Overview

Welcome to the AITAX.BOT API documentation. This guide provides developers with detailed information on how to interact with AITAX.BOT's various endpoints for managing cryptocurrency wallets, retrieving trending tokens, generating tax reports, and more.

To begin the onboarding process, don't hesitate to get in touch with our advisor on Telegram.

Key Features

  • Wallet Management: Access endpoints to retrieve AITAX token balances, user premium status, and a leaderboard of top users based on experience points.

  • Blockchain Network Support: Discover the blockchain networks supported by AITAX.BOT, including details about EVM compatibility and dashboard integration.

  • Currency and Token Insights: Retrieve supported currencies, as well as top gaining and losing tokens based on price changes, market capitalization, and popularity.

  • Tax Report Generation: Automate the process of generating and downloading detailed tax reports based on specific wallet addresses, blockchain networks, and timeframes.


This section covers API endpoints related to user wallets and blockchain interactions.

Retrieve AITAX Token Balance and Premium Status

  • Endpoint:{wallet_address}/

  • Method: GET

  • Description: Fetches the balance of AITAX tokens and the premium status associated with a specific wallet address.

  • Query Parameters:

    • wallet_address: The address of the user's wallet.

  • Response: A JSON object containing:

    • balance: The number of AITAX tokens held by the wallet.

    • is_premium: A boolean indicating whether the user has premium status.

Retrieve Leaderboard

  • Endpoint:

  • Method: GET

  • Description: Retrieves the top 50 users on the leaderboard based on experience points (XP).

  • Response: A JSON object with a results array, where each entry includes:

    • name: The user’s name or handle.

    • xp: The user’s experience points.

Retrieve Supported Blockchain Networks

  • Endpoint:

  • Method: GET

  • Description: Fetches a list of blockchain networks supported by the platform.

  • Response: An array of JSON objects, each containing:

    • chain_id: The unique identifier for the blockchain network.

    • chain_name: The name of the blockchain network.

    • is_evm: A boolean indicating if the network is EVM compatible.

    • is_dashboard_compatible: A boolean indicating if the network is compatible with the AITAX.BOT dashboard.

    • coin_name: The name of the native coin used by the blockchain.

    • icon: URL of the network's icon image.

    • explorer_tx_url: Base URL for transaction explorers on the network.


Retrieve Supported Currencies

  • Endpoint:

  • Method: GET

  • Description: Retrieves a list of supported currencies and their corresponding symbols.

  • Response: A JSON object containing a results array, with each item representing a currency:

    • currency: The currency code (e.g., USD, EUR).

    • symbol: The currency symbol (e.g., $, €).

The Trending Tokens API offers endpoints to discover tokens based on different criteria.

Retrieve Top Price Gainers and Losers

  • Endpoint:

  • Method: GET

  • Description: Fetches a list of tokens with the highest price gains and losses over the last 24 hours.

  • Response: A JSON object with two keys:

    • gainers: An array of objects representing the top gaining tokens, each containing:

      • token_name: The name of the token.

      • token_symbol: The symbol of the token.

      • token_logo: URL to the token logo image.

      • token_decimals: Number of decimal places for the token.

      • contract_address: The token's smart contract address.

      • price_24h_percent_change: Percentage change in price over the last 24 hours.

      • price_7d_percent_change: Percentage change in price over the last 7 days.

      • price: Current price of the token.

      • market_cap: Total market capitalization of the token.

    • losers: An array of objects representing the top losing tokens, with fields identical to the gainers array.

Retrieve Top Market Capitalization Tokens

  • Endpoint:

  • Method: GET

  • Description: Fetches a list of tokens with the highest market capitalization.

  • Response: An array of JSON objects, each representing a token with the following fields:

    • token_name: The name of the token.

    • token_symbol: The symbol of the token.

    • token_logo: URL to the token logo image.

    • token_decimals: Number of decimal places for the token.

    • contract_address: The token's smart contract address.

    • price_24h_percent_change: Percentage change in price over the last 24 hours.

    • price_7d_percent_change: Percentage change in price over the last 7 days.

    • price: Current price of the token.

    • market_cap: Total market capitalization of the token.

  • Endpoint:

  • Method: GET

  • Description: Fetches a list of tokens with the most user votes.

  • Response: An array of JSON objects, each representing a popular token, with the following fields:

    • contract_address: The token's smart contract address.

    • token_symbol: The symbol of the token.

    • token_name: The name of the token.

    • logo_url: URL to the token logo image.

    • url: URL with more information about the token.


Download Example Tax Report

  • Endpoint:

  • Method: GET

  • Description: Downloads a sample tax report file in Excel format.

  • Response: Triggers a file download of an Excel file named example.xlsx containing a sample tax report.

Queue a Spreadsheet Generation Task

  • Endpoint:

  • Method: POST

  • Authorization: Api-Key {key} (Required)

  • Request Body:

    • wallet_address (string): The user's wallet address.

    • selected_chain (list of integers): An array of chain IDs. Only supports either EVM chains or non-EVM chains in the same report. Use the /wallet/chains/ endpoint for supported chains.

    • currency (string, optional): The currency code (default is "USD").

    • time_range (list of strings): Date range array (["YYYY-MM-DD", "YYYY-MM-DD"]), starting from 2023.

  • Response: A JSON object containing a report_id.

Description: This endpoint queues a task to generate a spreadsheet based on the provided wallet address, selected chains, currency, and time range. The response includes a report_id that can be used to check the task's status.

Check Spreadsheet Generation Status

  • Endpoint:

  • Method: GET

  • Authorization: Api-Key {key} (Required)

  • Request Parameters:

    • report_id (integer): The ID of the report to check the status of.

  • Response: A JSON object containing the status and details of the report, including:

    • report_id: The ID of the report.

    • output_text: Output text of the report, if is_finished is true.

    • filename: Encrypted filename of the report, if is_empty is false.

    • is_finished: Boolean indicating whether the report generation is complete.

    • is_empty: Boolean indicating whether the report is empty (null if is_finished is false).

    • report_summary (optional): An object containing a summary of the report data. This field will be null if the report is empty or hasn't been generated yet. It contains:

      • tax_deductible_usd (float): The total tax deductible amount in USD.

Description: This endpoint checks the status of a queued spreadsheet generation task using the report_id. It returns details such as output_text, filename, and the completion status.

Download Generated Spreadsheet

  • Endpoint:

  • Method: GET

  • Authorization: Api-Key {key} (Required)

  • Request Parameters:

    • filename (string): The encrypted name of the file to download.

  • Response: A JSON object containing:

    • download_url: URL to download the file (file is deleted after download).

    • output_text: Status message of the request.

Description: This endpoint provides a download URL for a spreadsheet file based on the filename. If the file is available, a download URL is returned; otherwise, a status message is provided.

Last updated